Canvas Artwork

Discover our collection of framed canvas art prints and transform your space with a truly authentic artwork.

Our fine art canvas prints are handcrafted in the UK on 100% cotton and printed using the latest technology, with brilliant colour reproduction and fade resistance, to ensure you receive a beautiful picture and the perfect artwork for your space.

Looking for oversized art? Browse our extra large canvas art and fill your space with colour.


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28 products

Retro Green Curves Framed CanvasRetro Green Curves Framed Canvas
Retro Green Curves Framed Canvas Sale priceFrom £160.00
Dusty Pink Illusions Framed CanvasDusty Pink Illusions Framed Canvas
Dusty Pink Illusions Framed Canvas Sale priceFrom £180.00
Blue Symphony Framed CanvasBlue Symphony Framed Canvas
Blue Symphony Framed Canvas Sale priceFrom £180.00
Peach Illusions II Framed CanvasPeach Illusions II Framed Canvas
Peach Illusions II Framed Canvas Sale priceFrom £180.00

Framed Canvas Wall Art

Our range of canvas wall art is hand-stretched and comes framed with a luxurious floating frame including. It is easy to hang, as the canvas has string on the back for easy hanging. So sit back, relax and enjoy your new favourite wall art prints.

Exclusive Art On Canvas

Our collection of canvas wall art is exclusive to Abstract House, which means you can't find it anywhere else. Browse our bestselling abstract canvas art, from large oversized abstract canvas art, to trending impressionist canvas prints, you will surely find a piece of love you connect with.
We offer a vast collection of modern canvas wall art prints to traditional landscape and classic canvas art.