Framed Wall Art

Start collecting fine art prints and original paintings. Abstract House offers unique wall art that can add colour, texture and depth to your collection. 

All of our artwork is framed by hand in London using quality & sustainable materials

Buy Art Online and Bring Gallery-Quality Pieces to Your Space.

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Are you looking to elevate the aesthetic of your interior? One of the most impactful ways to transform the look and feel of a space is by incorporating framed wall art. Whether you prefer paintings, prints, or photographs, framed artwork can make a bold statement and tie the room together.

Need help finding the perfect artwork?

Let's have a chat

Enjoy a free art consultation session to help you find the perfect artwork for your space.

Tips for Choosing the Right Piece

Before investing in large wall art, take into account the size of your living room and the existing decor. A piece that is too small may get lost on a large wall, while a piece that is too large can overwhelm the space. Consider the colour palette of your room and choose art that complements or contrasts with the existing colours for a cohesive look.

Quality and Craftsmanship

When selecting large wall art, it's important to consider the quality and craftsmanship of the piece. Look for artwork that is made in the UK, ensuring that it meets high standards of production and design.

Be Bold with Your Choices

Don't be afraid to make a statement with your large pictures for living room. Choose pieces that reflect your personality and taste, whether it's a striking painting, a captivating print, or a unique framed artwork.

By including large wall art into your living room, you can create a space that is visually stunning and reflective of your individual style. Explore our collection of canvas art and prints to find the perfect piece to enhance your living room.

Styled By You

Our artwork and frames as styled by our customers. Tag us @myabstracthouse to be featured.