Art Prints

Discover our collection of beautifully framed wall art prints handcrafted in the UK and framed in our signature frames. Offering a wide range of styles including our popular abstract and modern art prints at affordable prices. Traditionally made using sustainable materials, choose from our eco-friendly framed canvas or fine art prints which come in real glass frames.

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Sustainable Art

The only sustainable art gallery on the planet.

Choose Art By Colour

Looking for a specific colour? Browse our rich colour pigments whether you are looking for art on canvas or a framed print.

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Choose Art By Room

Looking to find artwork for a specific room? Shop wall art by room. Curated by our experts and based on how our customers styled our artwork in their spaces.

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Experience our unrivalled premium framed art.


When you buy wall art prints from Abstract House, you know you have an artwork that is handmade with great quality craftsmanship and attention to every detail. This is what we call, affordable luxury.

With our vast range of artwork from colourful art, canvas prints, original paintings and more you can find the perfect piece to fall in love with.

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