After the wrath of miserable May, June has given us the gift of sunshine, hopefully preparing us for a warm summer ahead. We may be ready for this change, but our homes may still be stuck in a wintery rut. So, we asked our friends over at My Bespoke Room, the UK’s top rated interior design service, to share their knowledge with us on how to transition your home from spring to summer. Check out their top tips below…
Keep it minimal.
Winter gathers a lot of clutter and after a cooler than usual spring, it’s likely you still have some cold weather accessories littered around your home. You need a clear out! Now is the perfect time to make your home more minimalistic, making room to embrace the summer with open arms.
The time has come to remove your winter weather accessories like the throw you keep on the sofa, or the fluffy rugs you use to keep in as much warmth as possible.
Now you have cleared the room of your winter items, you need to now allow room for summer. For example, we suggest you remove clutter from your window sills so you can open them easily to let the summer air in and the stale air out.
Bring the colour in!
What better way to soak up the summer than through warm bright colours and floral prints! Now we're not suggesting you switch up your wallpaper every 6 months but a fresh lick of paint can take just a weekend and there are many other small changes that can make a big impact.
Start by updating the prints and paintings in your home. Try to remove any cold, dark wintery toned prints and replace them with light colours and floral prints. This can make a huge impact and is a quick and easy way of allowing the warmth of summer into your home. You can also do this by switching up your throw pillows on your sofa and bed.
Do you need help sprucing up your space for the summer months? You can hire an interior designer from My Bespoke Room to completely transform your space from just £195.
Experiment with art
You may like to use a statement piece to define your summer feeling through your art, displayed in pride of place to create that warmth of the season. Think of some scenes or memories that remind you of summer, tropical flowers, palm trees, beaches or ice lollies. Whatever you associate with the season, frame it and give yourself a summer oasis in your home.
Maybe you have a collection of summer scenes that you want to collate in your home. This is when you should seriously consider gallery walls as they are always a great way to bring colour into your space without being as overwhelming as one massive piece of art. Keep in mind that if you have space in your home perfect for summer prints to be displayed, they can also be easily swapped for cooler coloured prints when the winter weather creeps its way back in again.
Lighting for Ambience
Try and find more ways to allow more natural light into your home. An easy way to do this is to open the doors to your garden or balcony so you can embrace the summer!
The sun may be setting later and later each day but you still want to make sure that your home is well lit no matter the time of twilight.
Lamps and dimmer lighting can be perfect for this time of year as long as it is practically placed. This goes for picture lights too! LED lights are always a go to choice as they fit many different interior styles and without the added ultra-violet, making it a safe choice to keep your artwork well protected.
Do you need help getting your lighting right both in and outside your home? We can help! You can hire an interior designer to help with all your interior design queries from just £195! Find out more about how My Bespoke Room can help!
Bring Nature in

At My Bespoke Room we love to bring nature in through our designs, blurring the lines between the two spaces. An easy way to do this is to start bringing natural flowers and houseplants indoors, with the added benefit that it helps you connect with nature at this beautiful time of year and is immensely good for your health.
However, if you struggle with houseplants, a great way to embrace the season is to include floral or tropical prints from palm trees to sunflowers. Whatever your preference, you can include your favourite plants and flowers without having to worry about keeping it alive!
Want a full refresh?

Does your home need more than just a summer refresh? You can hire an interior designer from My Bespoke Room to completely transform your space from just £195! They make it easier and more affordable than ever to design, style and furnish your home.
Their incredible team of qualified, professional and experienced designers help you create your perfect home, in your style and within budget. And once your design is ready, you can shop all products in one click. Your free personal shopper will order on your behalf, help coordinate deliveries and always make sure you're getting the best price.
My Bespoke Studios: Meet The Experts

We’re so excited to be part of the latest edition of My Bespoke Room’s “Meet the Expert” series! Make sure you watch our Director, Summer Obaid with My Bespoke Room’s Head Designer Lucy in the upcoming video series on the 28th June! Don’t forget to check out My Bespoke Room for all your interior design needs.